Cost Of Living Statement

10th August 2022

Dear friends and customers both past and present,

We know many of you are worried about the further projected cost of energy rises; we are too.

Over the past year, the price of domestic energy has soared to seemingly unbelievable heights - so high that many households understandably look towards the Winter with dread. 

With new figures released this week from Cornwall Insights that predict bills may exceed £4200 annually by January, many will ask how these bills can possibly be paid. 

We understand the concern, and we are announcing that we are stepping up to do more than ever to ensure that the homes we service are better insulated and more efficient than ever to keep bills down and people warm this Winter.

5 years in, we’ve already helped make over 5000+ households more energy efficient by installing new A-Rated boilers, as well as insulation in lofts, walls and floors. 

In 2022 and beyond, we know that most of the insulation work we will be doing will be free to customers as we help qualifying households access Eco grants to claim free insulation.

Not only will we continue to offer FREE, No-obligation surveys for both new boiler installations and free insulation grants work, but we now wish to go further by taking the following action:

  1. Our service area is increasing to reach more people than ever

    While previously we may have felt forced to decline boiler or insulation installations from further away, we will now travel for surveys and installations up to 70 miles from St Helens with no extra charge to the customer. Where possible, video surveys will be used at the customer’s convenience.

  2. We are launching OneHeat to provide laser-focus on boiler efficiency

    We have created a new service called OneHeat, focused solely on making affordable and efficient new boilers more accessible than ever. Even before the projected price rises, data shows swapping a G-rated boiler for an A-Rated model could save you as much as £600* annually on energy bills, however with the significant rises in the price of energy, this could now be much more.

  3. Create Cash Back opportunities wherever possible

    Some ECO grants may create the opportunity to create cash back for the customer,   where not only will the customer be left with a better insulated home, but we may be able to put money into our customer’s pocket up to £2500 to help with cost of living.

Our Director, Paul Tilley said “Like everyone, we’re looking at the expected energy price rises and asking how people can pay for heat and food this Winter? Our response is to focus our business on doing everything we can to help consumers fight off the worst of the rises and keep their homes warm, and in many cases, we can do this without the customer paying a penny: a real win-win for everyone. We’re ready to do everything we can to help.”

At just 5 years old, Invictus Energy Group may not be a global or even a nationally recognised company yet, but we believe that the greatest help during this crisis will be generated from home: local people helping local people. We hope that this will be just one of many Cost of Living Statements announced by companies all over the UK to help shoulder the burden felt by households.

We wish everyone the warmest, safest and most peaceful Winter.

Paul Tilley (Director)
Paul Murphy (Director)

  • A cost of living statement is an official declaration from a company outlining what action they are taking in light of the growing cost of living crisis in 2022. The idea is to get companies to recognise that they must go above and beyond in order to support their customer base and their country. We hope it will catch on.

  • Because we realised we need to do more to help our customers given the squeeze they are feeling. It’s our way of making an official commitment to do better, helping more people access grants to keep their homes warm this winter.