Home Insulation Grants

We’ll help you understand if you can claim an ECO grant for loft, wall or underfloor insulation, help you apply and then fit your new
energy efficient products with expert care.


Can you claim
am ECO 4 home insulation grant?

Did you know that you may be able to claim a government backed ECO grant to have your home fitted with energy-saving measures like loft, wall and floor insulation or even a new boiler?

Invictus Energy Group have helped get thousands of grants awarded, and can help assess your claim quickly.

What can I get through a home insulation grant?

This will all depend on what insulation is suitable and applicable to your property. In most cases, the grant money is unlocked if sufficient improvements to the EPC rating of the property can be achieved. For instance, moving from a grade E to a grade C. The energy saving measures that may be available to you through Invictus Energy Group may include:

What are ECO4 grants?

The UK Government has committed to reaching Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050, and one of the ways they can achieve this is by ensuring our homes are better insulated and more energy efficient than ever before. 

They created the ECO grants to help people make these changes now rather than later and at their own cost. In many cases, these grants make the home insulation work free of charge to eligible UK residents. 

Do I qualify for an
ECO insulation or
boiler grant?

That’s the big question, one that Invictus Energy Group can help you answer. It will most likely depend on what benefits your household may be receiving and the applicable options that can be taken to improve your home’s EPC rating

Use our no-obligation application form below to have your eligibility for a grant assessed by our friendly and experienced experts, or check our list of eligible benefits if you’re still a little unsure.

Why choose an Invictus Energy Group grant?


Invictus Energy Group handles everything about your home insulation or boiler grant, from assessing your eligibility and property to claim the grant, to fitting your insulation or new boiler with care, safety and precision. 

We created Invictus Energy Group to deliver the very best service in the industry, and we’ve been going from strength to strength ever since.

Want a chat about Insulation Grants?

What benefits mean I may qualify for an insulation grant?

With the introduction of ECO4 and the end of ECO3 grants, the rules about which eligible benefits may now qualify for grant funding have changed. 

If you or somebody in your household (or one of your tenants if you are a landlord) is in receipt of one or more of the following benefits, good news: you may be able to claim grant funding for home insulation or a new boiler.

  • Child Tax Credits (CTC) *dependent on income threshold 

  • Income-based jobseekers allowance (JSA)

  • Warm Home Discount Scheme Rebate

  • Working Tax Credit (WTC)

  • Housing Benefit

  • Pension Saving Credit

  • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit

  • Housing Benefit

  • Universal Credit

 Can you still get Free Boiler grants?

Yes, however these free boiler grants aren’t as common as they used to be. The older ECO3 schemes which had a stronger focus on efficient energy production ended in March 2022 and were replaced by ECO4 which is more focused on insulation. However, if your boiler is old enough then there may still be funding - get in touch and we can assess your likely eligibility on the phone - 0800 689 1723

ECO Insulation Grants Explained


Still confused by insulation grants and how they keep changing? We don’t blame you, so here’s a quick run-down of what’s available, how the ECO grants are funded, and how it all works.

You may think that ECO is short for ecological, like in ‘eco-friendly’, and while that’s no coincidence (it’s certainly part of the grant’s aim to make Britain more eco-friendly), it actually stands for Energy Company Obligation.

As part of the UK Government’s commitment to reach Net Zero with carbon emissions, it makes money available through the larger energy companies and obligates them to use it to help lower-income households more energy efficient.

The first ECO scheme ran between 2013 to 2015 when it was replaced by ECO2 which ran until March 2017. ECO3 then took over, now replaced by ECO4 as of April 2022.

Each stage has focussed on different elements of home energy efficiency. With ECO4’s arrival, we are seeing a shift in focus from new boilers to insulation. 

Whether the money will be granted and how much can be made available will depend partially on who is living in the house and what benefits they may be receiving. The ECO schemes were setup to improve the energy efficiency of low-income households, and tenants or homeowners that receive one or more of the eligible benefits are used as an indicator for this.

The other deciding factors that can help unlock grant money are about the property itself. If the home is brand new then it most likely has been built to modern standards of insulation and be fitted with a modern boiler or heater, and is therefore unlikely to qualify for a grant because it already has a sufficiently high EPC rating.

However, older homes that may have a lower EPC rating that could be substantially improved by retrofitting wall, floor, roof or loft insulation are more likely to qualify, as the grant scheme sees this as a worthwhile investment that will provide value to household members.

 How is Invictus Energy Group involved with insulation grants?

While Invictus Energy Group began in the gas boiler industry (something we still do to this day), we’re obsessed with energy efficiency, so home insulation became a natural place for us to expand into in order to offer our clients even more value.

We’ve helped THOUSANDS of households across Merseyside, St Helens, Manchester and beyond to acquire ECO grant funding, fitting countless boilers, miles of insulation board and endless rolls of loft insulation in the process, all with expert care and precision. 

Home Insulation Grant FAQs

  • The older ECO3 scheme ended recently and has been replaced by ECO4. This came with a number of changes to the eligibility criteria, including the removal of the following benefits: Armed Forces Independence Payment, Carer’s Allowance, Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Constant Attendance Allowance, Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit, Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Severe Disablement Allowance, and War Pensions Mobility Supplement (WPMS).

  • While landlords themselves can’t claim, tenants can if they qualify and the proposed work will change the EPC sufficiently to warrant the grant. It may be that you can encourage your tenants to apply if they are eligible.

  • It was always part of the plan to release the ECO grant funding in stages, focussing on different elements of home energy efficiency as they progressed. Despite the success of previous ECO schemes, some of the changes in ECO4 have been made to tackle perceived issues with ECO3. This includes providing for a larger range of funding for more vulnerable, low-income homes.

  • Our talented team at Invictus can discuss basic eligibility with you over the phone, however we still need to get a surveyor out to you to properly assess and document the proposed work to successfully apply for the grant. Fortunately, we seldom have customers waiting over a week for this, and we are often able to start work within 7 days of you making contact with us for the first time.

  • The reasons that the UK Government is funding things like insulation and more efficient boilers are twofold.

    Firstly, because studies have shown that running an energy inefficient home is costly, and not every household can afford to do the work themselves and must rely on grants to get the work done. It’s a way of supporting low-income homes and lifting people out of fuel poverty.

    Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, is the effect of inefficient energy usage on climate change. The UK government (as well as many other governments around the world) have made big commitments to lower their carbon emissions to “net zero”.

    To achieve this, the UK needs to use its energy more efficiently, and that includes at a domestic level. If homes across the UK can generate heat more efficiently because of modern boilers and heatpumps, while retaining more of that heat (which reduces the requirements of the boiler), then this can go a long way to helping the UK reach Net Zero.

  • Retrofitting refers to the methods that can be used to make an old house more energy efficient with the addition of modern insulating materials.

    At Invictus Energy Group, we have trained and qualified retrofitters who can enter a home and establish which measures (such as loft or underfloor insulation) would be suitable for that building, and the effect this would have on the building’s EPC rating.

  • At their core, yes. The money is accessed via the largest energy companies however the grants are part of the Government’s efforts to combat climate change and fuel poverty.

  • If home insulation is well-planned and correctly fitted it can make a huge difference to your energy bills and the warmth in your home.

    Older homes like some of the UK’s millions of Victorian Terraced houses and 1930’s semi detached homes were never properly insulated, or have been let down by poorly fitted insulation work, expanding foam insulation or were simply neglected.

    Our trained and qualified surveyors and fitters are skilled at advising on which energy-saving insulation measures can be applied to your home, and can show you how this will effect your EPC rating, producing a noticeable difference in how warm your home is and how much you need to rely on your boiler next Winter.

 Not ready to apply yet?

That’s OK!

Just give us a call for a no-obligation chat about your home energy situation.