Can you get FREE Insulation on the new Great British Insulation Scheme?

The Great British Insulation Scheme (or GBIS) is a new energy-efficiency grant scheme from the UK Government and Ofgem which gives hundreds and thousands of UK homes access to FREE insulation measures.

It’s all part of the drive towards net-zero emissions and lower energy bills for the whole UK, and will usually grant a single insulation measure such as:

  • Loft Insulation

  • Cavity Wall Insulation

  • Room In Roof Insulation

  • Internal Wall Insulation

  • Heating Controls and programmers

  • Ventilation upgrades like fans, PIV units and trickle vents

Who qualifies for the Great British Insulation Scheme?

Unlike the ECO4 scheme, you don’t need to be on benefits to claim insulation on the Great British Insulation Scheme!

Instead of taking a whole-house approach, the Great British Insulation Scheme helps households make small but noticeable upgrades to their home insulation, such as just ensuring that the loft, walls or floor has been insulated, but will just grant ONE of these things - whichever is most appropriate.

To qualify, your home must be missing some of all of these energy-saving insulation types, and therefore have an Energy Performance Rating of ‘D’ or below.

You also must be in a Council Tax band between A and E.

A Retrofit Assessment will take place beforehand to make sure your home qualifies, and we should be able to tell you within days if you qualify and what insulation you could be due.

Can rented homes get free insulation on the Great British Insulation Scheme?

In some cases, even privately rented homes can get free insulation under the GBIS scheme, however these tenants DO either have to be on a qualifying benefit, or have a qualifying medical condition, or have a household income of less than £31k per year.