Loft Insulation Grants

See if you can claim an ECO grant for loft insulation to make your home warmer this Winter

A roll of loft insulation in a boarded attic

Can you get a loft insulation grant?

As part of the new ECO4 grant scheme, you may be eligible for a loft insulation grant as well as other energy saving measures to help keep your home warmer and lower your energy bills.

  • Save as much as £240 on energy bills* Energy Saving Trust

  • Trap the heat you pay for inside your home

  • Just one of the measures paid for by the ECO4 Grants

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 Is Loft Insulation included in the new ECO4 grants?

Yes - the new ECO4 government backed grants went live in 2022, designed to help low-income households become more energy efficient, and that includes using loft insulation. As is often the case, there may be multiple measures that grant can pay for, including wall insulation, under floor insulation and more energy efficient boiler replacement. 

This means that with a successful grant application, loft insulation will just be one of the brilliant energy saving measures that the grant will pay for.

Why choose Invictus Energy Group to complete your loft insulation grant?

At Invictus Energy Group we’re obsessed with making homes warmer and more energy efficient, saving our customers large sums of money on their annual energy bills which are otherwise rising quickly.

We offer loft insulation as part of the energy saving work we do because not only do we know how well it works, but because we have confidence in our trained surveyors and fitters to do right by each and every customer we work for. 

You can read more about the way we operate and meet our team through our About Us page.

The way we work focuses on you, ensuring that everything is done to provide you with the fastest, cleanest and most efficient service possible, causing you minimal disruption during your loft insulation installation and letting you get back to your life quickly and with minimal fuss.. 

Does Loft Insulation work?

It’s estimated that roughly a quarter of the heat in your home escapes through the roof, making loft insulation the first and best line of defence against unwanted heat escaping upwards. 

Even when paying for loft insulation with cash or finance, this can mean a very fast return on investment, and if Loft Insulation is part of a successful grant application through ECO4, then it could be fitted completely free of charge!

How does loft insulation reduce heat loss?

Loft insulation works by adding material that retains heat in between the joists in your loft. Heat rises, and therefore as we pay to heat our homes, a portion of this heat travels up through the ceiling and straight out of the roof - what a waste! 

Loft insulation is there to prevent that loss, trapping the heat in the useable areas of the house so you get better value from the energy you pay for. Not only is this great for your wallet, but it’s better for the environment, too. 

In the simplest terms, think of it as a blanket for your house!

Average Annual Saving on Fuel Bill After Loft Insulation

Figures in £, estimates only.

How much does loft insulation cost?

How much your loft insulation costs will depend on a number of factors, including:

  • How large your loft is

  • How accessible the areas of your loft are

  • The thickness of the loft insulation and the material selected

  • The quality and skill of the loft insulation fitters being used

  • Whether you qualify for a loft insulation grant or, whether you will be paying with cash or a finance agreement.

If loft insulation is a recommended and applicable measure as part of work under the ECO4 grant scheme, your loft insulation may turn out to be completely free of charge! 

Otherwise, typical loft insulation jobs may cost around £600+ based on a small terrace house in the UK, but could save that house upwards of £230 on their energy annual bills, and even more on semi-detached and detached houses; upwards of £580!


What about Room in Roof insulation?

Room in Roof Insulation is the gold-standard when it comes to retrofitting lofts and roofs in the UK. Rather than only fitting loft insulation rolls between the joists at the bottom of your loft, but Room in Roof adds insulation panels between the rafters, and boards over the joists, too.

Done well, this extends the warm, liveable area of your home, and it may be an option for your home included within the grants we’ve been talking about. You can apply in the same way and we’ll send a trained retrofit surveyor out to assess your home. 


Loft Insulation Grant FAQs

  • The UK Government currently recommends loft insulation of between 250mm and 270mm, however what is right for your home will also depend on the level of ventilation in your home. Using an excessive amount of insulation may mean that your home struggles to “breathe”, potentially causing issues with damp.

    At Invictus Energy Group, our retrofit surveyors and training and qualified to advise you on what home insulation measures will be most suitable for your home, including depth of loft insulation where applicable.

  • Not through the ECO4 scheme, however get in touch with the team at Invictus and we can see if there may be other funding available through local schemes. If not, we can discuss cost-effective and affordable finance options, too.

  • Loft insulation is often made up of rolls of mineral wool insulation, however sometimes this is backed with foil for extra insulation. In other cases, insulation boards can be used too. Choosing “the best” loft insulation will depend on the unique characteristics of your home, and can be assessed by one of our retrofit surveyors as part of a free, no-obligation survey.

  • Mineral wool and glass wool (the most common rolls of loft insulation) are rated as non-combustible, and do not require any further treatment to make them more fire-retardant.

  • Expanding spray foam insulation is a divisive topic. Most mainstream foams are far from eco-friendly and can be poor for ventilation if incorrectly applied. As it dries it can also pull away from the joists and can be difficult to remove when things go wrong, leading some fitters to view the use of expanding foam as “ruining” the loft.

    We advise having a professional take a look before deploying expanding foam.

  • Invictus Energy Group is based in St Helens in Merseyside, North West England. We don’t mind traveling though, often heading over to Manchester and beyond, and down into Cheshire and North Wales if the job requires it. For bigger jobs such as off-grid, rural properties, we’ll travel nationally if needs be.

  • Not if it’s fitted correctly and the roof is intact and uncompromised. Moisture is a part of life in the UK (we’re not exactly famed for being a sunny country), but providing the loft and the rooms below have the correct level of ventilation and there are no leaks in the roof, then loft insulation shouldn’t be collecting enough moisture to cause damp problems.

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