Government Energy Company Obligation (ECO3)


Discover how the government makes funds available for home energy improvements through the ECO schemes

April 2022: ECO3 has now ended. Read up about the new grants available on our grants page

What is ECO?


Through the Government's Energy Company Obligations (ECO) scheme, you could get a government grant to cover home efficiency improvements. This includes boiler funding, smart heating controls, underfloor insulation. However, a small fee might be required; it all depends on the type of property you own.

The ECO was launched in 2013 to help make energy-saving measures, such as heating and insulation, affordable for householders and reducing their carbon footprint.

All major energy companies (the big six) in the UK have been obligated to provide funding for installations that cut carbon emissions and consumer fuel bills.

Invictus Boiler Grants works in partnership with Energy Companies and has access to ECO funding.

How ECO3 works?

Millions of more homes are still eligible for free insulation, as part of the expansion of the government-backed ECO initiative. This means 8 out of 10 homes are suitable for free government-backed heating measures installations.

What are the main policies of the ECO scheme?

The main aim of the entire scheme is to support low income, vulnerable and households that are faced with fuel poverty.

The scheme reduced the supplier obligation from 250,000 customer threshold to 150,000. This means that any energy supplier that reach the limit have to participate in the programme.

ECO 3 is supporting households with broken heating systems by allowing 35,000 faulty heating systems to be replaced per year.

ECO3 scheme is also encouraging a multiple measure approach. By allowing the replacement of inefficient heating systems to be replaced (outside the broken boiler scheme) if they are installed with under floor insulation.

Who qualifies for the ECO3 scheme?

Homeowners in receipt of benefits and credits from the UK government are entitled to a free or at heavily subsidised cost (other household occupants in receipt of benefits or credits). If you wish to apply for our Invictus Boiler Grants, please click here.

What benefits or credits qualify?

In order to qualify for the grant, you or someone in the household must receive at least one of the following benefits or credits.